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Monday, December 19, 2011

Wealthy Minds...The Revolution

Mr.Billionaire P.A. of Wealthy Minds Clothing and Wealthy Minds Entertainment is known for his motivational and inspirational messages that have taken the world by storm. We had the opportunity to interview him and get his thoughts about the revolution he is doing!

1.What inspired you to start this movement?

Wealthy Minds is not just a movement; it is a REVOLUTION that will soon change the way the people of the world think and encourage them to speak their dreams into existence.  People will learn the significant power of the mind and tongue.  We as a whole must not just speak our dreams into existence; but we must also apply action behind the positive dreams that we speak into existence.  My mission is to infect over one billion people with success motivation and wealth; encourage everyone to develop a Wealthy Mind.  I want people to understand that you don’t have to be sleep to have a dream; we can now dream with our eyes wide open. 

My clothing line was inspired by my book entitled, “The Billionaire P.A,” which is 366 inspirational, motivational, and wealthy quotes to get people throughout the entire year.  I added one extra quote for motivation for YOU just in case the government decided to add one day in the year, because they tend to do whatever they want, so I wanted to be a step of ahead and motivate you. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the clothing line and the quotes I created is to infect over one billion people with success, motivation, and wealth and encourage the world to develop Wealthy Minds.  I uplift people to speak their dreams into existence and dream with their eyes open through all of the inspirational, motivational, & wealthy quotes that I create.

2.How long have you been doing this?

“For 22 years I tried it my way and life was just not working out for me; for the past years in my life, I have been speaking my dreams into existence with GOD on my team, and now I just do it GOD’s way… and it works!” – Billionaire P.A.

3.What future plans and endeavors do you have?

Currently I work for God; I'm not a preacher, but I have been blessed with a gift and I’m too gifted to lose my sanity.  I am a leader and a “SPEAK DREAM MOTIVATOR” that will continue to help others find the motivation within themselves encouraging them to dream with their eyes wide open.  I will continue to speak dreams into existence and my mission/goal is to infect over one billion people with success, motivation, and wealth.  My main focus is not to talk about myself, but it is to allow my work and my actions to speak for themselves; allowing others to stand on the same very platform that I speak on and let them speak their very on dreams into existence.  My main focus is to allow people to understand the power of their minds and teach them how to use them and develop Wealthy Minds.

4. What obstacles have you had to overcome in this mission of yours?

M.T.D (Motivated Transmitted Disease) – “I just tested positive with M.T.D.  If you touch me, look at me, email me, or hate on me; I will infect you with motivation.” – Billionaire P.A.

For so long we have allowed so many people to infect us with negative things and negative thoughts; it is now time to turn all negative situations into a positive and spread positive energy across this entire world.  A lot of people have been mentally programmed for failure and are so attracted to negative things that they fail to realize that their minds have been programmed for failure.  With that said, I created this quote because I knew at the beginning when people first heard it that people would hear the negative sound of it; then they would listen to me because it grabbed their attention; and by the time they finished listening to me I had infected them with MOTIVATION!   

My curse is my blessing.  I don't believe in negative thing; nor obstacles.  I only allow positive and successful thoughts to enter my brain; therefore, I only see positive results and hang in positive environment.  What others may call a negative; it is a positive for me.  For example, I drive a car with no reverse on it and many people look at me like that is an obstacle to overcome; but that is how I created the inspirational quote, "The reverse on my car just went out on me; but it is okay, because it is a direct representation of me...  I DON'T GO BACKWARDS!" – Billionaire P.A.

5.At the end of the day what do you want the world to know about Billionaire PA?

“Revolutionary”  - Billionaire P.A.; is an angel of GOD originally from Heaven.  I descended down to the wonderful world of Earth where I now encourage the world to speak their dreams into existence.  This is a change that will soon heal the world encouraging us all to come together and unite as one; regardless of race, color, size, money, material possessions, etc.; and to live right in the middle of their dreams.


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